Staff Appraisal Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Employee Name *FirstLastEmployee Email *Supervisor Name *FirstLastSupervisor Email & Phone No: *Reason for Appraisal?Monthly AllowanceMonthly AllowanceSeeking PromotionOthersStaff Branch? *Rate the Employee on the Following *excellentbetterpoorKNOWLEDGE OF JOBexcellentbetterpoorQUALITY OF WORKexcellentbetterpoorPRODUCTIVITYexcellentbetterpoorTEAM PLAYERexcellentbetterpoorPUNCTUALITYexcellentbetterpoorMEET DEADLINESexcellentbetterpoorACHIEVE WORK GOALSKey Strengths *Areas of Concern *Potential Pathways to Growth *Is there anything else I should know about you?Submit