Regular Loan

Regular Loan is created to help meet the working capital needs of clients that run small businesses.

Special Loans

For the existing regular loan clients who require bigger loan sizes to strengthen their businesses.

Agricultural Loans

Agricultural financing is designed to help farmers achieve better results. Loan size is between ₦50,000- ₦500,000

Education Loan

Finance your children's school fees with our Education Loans - apply for NGN 50,000-200,000

Asset Loan

Asset loan as the name implies is targeted to help existing clients of HERITAGEMOON Mf purchase assets such as generator, refrigerator, grinding machines etc. that will further enhance the productivity of their enterprise


Time to invest wisely

Loans at competitive interest rates. We can offer from NGN 10,000 - 500,000 for ordinary consumption and for small or large business projects, asset, building etc.

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